theme-img-mobile IJASE

IJASE (ISSN 2519-7185) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of applied statistics. IJASE aims at promoting an interdisciplinary approach on a large range of topics covering applied methods for worldwide Socio-Economic phenomena.

IJASE is part Economic Society of Albania founded in 2014, seeking to promote high quality research in the broadly defined area of social economics.

All submissions must contain original unpublished work that is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Submissions will be refereed according to standard procedures for International Journal of Applied Statistics and Econometrics. Information about the journal can be found at The editorial board of IJASE is composed by well-known academicians in the field of economics, statistics and econometrics.

+355 4 2232 086 - +355 4 2222 117
Rr. Tirane-Rinas, Km. 12 1032 Vore Tirana, Albania
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